Optional Events
Optional events may be entered separately when the registration link opens.
By submitting the registration:
As the parent/guardian completing this form for their child that is under the age of 18 or as the MNS Contestant, I confirm I am a citizen of the United States or Canada, meet the age requirements, is a natural born female, and is in good moral standing. Your participation in an event at Miss Northern States indicates you agree and will abide by the rules and regulations set forth by Miss Northern States. I understand that all monies paid are non-refundable. Contestants and their parents/guardians will not sue and hereby release, forever discharge Miss Northern States LLC, owner, directors, employees, queens, and volunteers from any and all claims and demands arising from damages or liabilities due to theft, accident, loss or injury resulting in participation in an information session, event, or pageant. Miss Northern States LLC reserves the right to change the date, location, and competition details of an event or pageant if minimum participation numbers are not met or an unforeseen situation occurs. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in this agreement.
Thank you for registering!